Democracy in Nigeria: Antithetical Issues 2015 – 2021

Imoh Imoh-ita

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Democracy as an index of development is a global trend that is taking various dimensions in different countries. Ideal democracy is guided by basic fundamental tenets of rule of law of which fundamental human right is paramount. Democracy in Nigeria is undergoing transformation, which, rather than manifest upward trajectories tends to be antithetical to freedom of speech and expression. Journalists and social media bloggers have been arrested for issues relating to freedom of speech and expression. The control and influence of mass media and other means of communication is prevalent which negates democratic principles. Secondary sources of data/information gathering were adopted in the course of this investigation which guided in the conclusion and recommendations. It is therefore observed that the general perception of the people is that government is not taking enough actions against vote buying, hate speeches and provocative utterances. Drawing conclusion from information gathered from the print and online media, democracy in Nigeria lacks high level of fundamental human right in its operation/practice. It is on this note that recommendations are made in the following order: there should be freedom of expression in Nigeria, ban on twitter should be lifted, journalists/media practitioners should not be harassed and detained ones should be released. Vote buying should be stopped and offenders prosecuted.


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