The Impact of Herdsmen/Farmers Clashes on Food Security in Nigeria

Christian O. Udo

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The interaction of farmers and herders has for many years not led to happy tales due to the conflict of interest over land resources which is valued by both parties for the sustenance and advancement of their trade. This appalling situation has generated heated discourses in many circles with various suggestions and strategies advanced to end this imbroglio to no avail. Such had also attracted the researcher to engage in a scholarly voyage of interrogating the consequences of these incessant conflicts between farmers and herders on agricultural production with further implications on the security conditions of farmlands. To achieve the above, the documentary evidence method of gathering data was employed while the intractable conflict theory was employed to dissect the study. The finding of the study revealed that farmers/herders crises in the country which has led to the wanton destruction of human lives and properties including livestock and farmland assets, has been the major cause of low agricultural production in the country. It was also discovered that the displacement of farmers was due to the high level of insecurity of the farmlands due to the activities of the warring parties to the conflicts which made those places unsafe for habitation. In line with the findings of the study, it was recommended, amongst others, that improved and modern ways of livestock management should be employed by the government as an agricultural policy for the entire country to encourage new ways of doing this business.


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