Workers Involvement in Decisions About the Contributory Pension Scheme and Motivation to Retire From the Civil Services of Akwa Ibom State

Ekaette R. Udoh

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In Akwa Ibom State, the administration of pension and gratuity is problematic. The fund administrators are not committed to pension obligation; the administration of pension fund does not guarantee financial security to the retirees, and pension fund administration has become a thorny issue with millions of retired civil servants neglected and not properly catered for after retirement. Retirees go through tough times and rigorous process before they are eventually paid their pensions, gratuity and other retirement benefit. The study investigated the contributory pension scheme and motivation to retire from the civil services of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The study sought to find out the relationship that exists between contributory pension scheme and employees' motivation to retire from civil services of the State. It determined how pension administrators' commitment to pension obligation affects motivation to retire among civil servants in Akwa Ibom State. The survey research design was adopted for the study and stratified sampling technique was used. The theoretical framework used in the study was expectancy theory and the deferred wage theory. Findings indicated that fund administrators' commitment affect motivation to retire among civil servants in Akwa Ibom State. Also that employee involvement in pension management scheme did not affect motivation to retire. The study recommended that civil servant should be encouraged to be involved in making decisions towards the management of pension scheme. Also, pension fund administrators should maintain a high level of commitment to the management of pension scheme since no reasonable civil servant will hesitate to retire when he or she is due in view of the anticipation of comfortable retirement life.


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