The Impacts of Raw Material Research and Development Council on the Utilization of Industrial Raw Materials for Manufacturing in Nigeria

Enefiok E. Ibok & Denis D. Ntuen

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Research is paramount for meaningful development. Research is an important tool for advancing knowledge, stimulating and promoting progress, as well as searching for and coordinating economic development. This study examined the impact of raw material research and development council on the utilization of industrial raw materials for manufacturing in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, hypothesis was formulated to test the relationship between raw material research and development council and the utilization of industrial raw material for manufacturing in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design where copies of questionnaire were distributed to 243 respondents being the sample size of the study. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between Raw Material Research and Development Council and the utilization of industrial raw materials for manufacturing in Nigeria. Hence, it was recommending that Nigerian government should intensify development of some strategic raw materials to facilitate their mass production and subsequent substitute in the import prohibition list; also that Nigerian government should encourage funding support for research and laboratory facilities to encourage the production of industrial raw materials for manufacturing in Nigeria.


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