Crucial Issues in Intergovernmental Relations on Local Government Administration in Nigeria

Oriabure W. Okonoboh & Oigiangbe O. Henry

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This study investigated perceptions on crucial issues that bedevil the impact of intergovernmental relations on local government administration in Nigeria. The third tier of government which is closest to the grassroots has been hijacked and prevented from meeting its major obligations due to the fact that they were created under the wings and caprices of the state government. The relation between the three tiers of government in Nigeria has been problematic over the years. Though several commissions and committees have been set up and recommendations proffered, up till date, fiscal issues exist among the tires of government. The local government being the third tier of government is the worst hit and this has negated the performance of their responsibilities to the local people. It is in view of this that this paper assessed the relationship, transaction, interplay and interactions that exist among the three ties of government, that is, the federal (central), state and the local government in Nigeria. The paper also examined the imbalance that exist among the three tiers of government. The paper recommended that the National Assembly should grant full autonomy to the local government in Nigeria and that efforts should be made to ensure that all tiers of government should adhere to fiscal transparency, accountability and constitutional provisions on fiscal relations.


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