Communication Inputs in the Performances of Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Owoidoho-Abasi N. Udokop, Daniel C. Akarika & Nnamdie U. Kierian

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This work examined communication inputs in the performance of the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) in Akwa Ibom State. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the kind of project information shared by various actors in NEWMAP, the tools used for NEWMAPcommunication; the efficiency of various communication tools to the performances of NEWMAP and to identify barriers to effective communication among actors in NEWMAP. The System Theory and Participatory Communication Theory were used in the study. Kerjice and Morgan’s sampling size table with simple random sampling techniques was used in the study. The study revealed that the kind of information shared by NEWMAP actors was strategic and specific. It was found that stakeholders' meetings and computer-mediated communications were the tools of communication used by NEWMAP with 50% of respondents affirming so. Also, 77% of the respondents identified age and feedback mechanisms as barriers to NEWMAP messages. The study recommended that adequate funding should be appropriated for communication in NEWMAP to enhance efficiency and performance mechanism should be reinforced by the project actors to enhance the performances of the project.


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