Women Participation in Electoral Process and Socio-Economic Development in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria 2011-2021

Emem U. Iyoho

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Women have traditionally had low levels of participation in politics and decision-making positions. The challenge of women’s participation in the electoral process in Nigeria in general and Akwa Ibom State, in particular, gained additional significance, since the return of democracy in 1999. Full and equal involvement in political and electoral processes is one of the hardest litmus tests for women’s empowerment and gender equality. This study examined the impact of women’s participation in the electoral process on the socio-economic development of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria 2011-2021. The study adopted the cross-sectional design and survey method where copies of the questionnaire were administered to 300 sample respondents being the sample size of the study. Data analysis was done using simple percentages and a chi-square (x2) statistical tool. Findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between women’s participation in the electoral process and the socio-economic development of Akwa Ibom State, through accreditation and voting during an election. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the Akwa Ibom State government should increase women’s awareness level of voter registration by organizing seminars/workshops not only in the cities but also in the villages. Also, appropriate laws should be enacted (if the available ones are not enough or are limited in scope) and rigorously enforced to drastically reduce the negative nature of elections in the state to enable a level playing ground for all devoid of threats, harassment and intimidations which are not women friendly.


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