Debt Dynamics and Fiscal Sustainability in Nigeria

Godwin E. Esu

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This study investigated the stabilizing effect of sustainable fiscal policy on public debt dynamics as well as the impact of debt dynamics on fiscal sustainability in Nigeria for the period (1980 – 2022). Using secondary data obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin (2023), World Development Indicators (WDI, 2023), Debt Management Office (DMO – various years), Penn World Table (PWT – multiple years), and World Economic Outlook (WEO – various years), the study used suitable cointegration and other econometrics techniques viz: Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS), Markov-switching model and polynomial models. It was found, amongst other things, that (i) Automatic debt dynamics can influence debt dynamics, (ii) The robustness or otherwise of primary fiscal balance determines the direction of changes in the total debt stock, and (iii) positive debt dynamics vis-à-vis dwindling revenue flows and growing government expenditure, would result in fiscal unsustainability. It was recommended, amongst other things, that since automatic debt dynamics is one of the significant influences on debt dynamics and is being fuelled by the direction of adjustments in inflation and interest rate, there is a need for concerted efforts at stabilising inflation and interest rate to stabilise public debt dynamics. Also, the study revealed that the size of the primary balance influences the changes in public debt stock. It was recommended that the authorities should endeavour to maintain a robust primary fiscal surplus to stabilise growth in public debt, if not minimise it and grow the economy.


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