Revisit of Road Transport Infrastructure Contribution to Agriculture Output: Empirical Validation for the Case of Nigeria

Ime O. Utuk, Ededet B. Eduno & Inigbehe M. Okon

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This study examines the impact of road transport infrastructure quality on agricultural output in Nigeria from 2000 to 2022. This study used secondary data which were subjected to Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit root test, ARDL bounds test approach for cointegration, and Canonical Cointegrating Regression method. Arable land (LNARAB) and average temperature (LNTEMP) depicted positive influence on agricultural output while road transport infrastructure quality (LNROADQ), average rainfall (LNRAIN) and carbon dioxide emission (LNCO2) exerted negative impact on agricultural output. Nevertheless, effective road network remains a vital factor to the economic prosperity of any country because of its role in driving commerce and transportation. As such, government of Nigeria should increase funding by increasing the budgetary allocation to the Federal Ministry in charge of transport infrastructure development. In the same manner, local production of bitumen should be encouraged so that the cost of road construction can reduced.


Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Science
Akwa Ibom State University, Nigeria

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