Call for paper

AKSUJACOG is now receiving submissions for the next issue of our Journal.

Submission Guidelines


  1. Not more than 7000 words
  2. Written in English Language
  3. Typed on Microsoft Word
  4. 12-point font character
  5. Bold-faced section headings
  6. Left justification
  7. Double line spacing
  8. In Times New Roman font

Reference style

Submissions should conform to the APA (7th edition) with critical sections including title, author(s) name, affiliation, phone number and email address as well as abstract of not more than 200 words. Following the abstract, a minimum of 5 keywords that will provide indexing references should be listed.


A soft copy of manuscript that meets above prescriptions should be sent as attachment to

Article processing charges


All payments should be made into:

Account Name: Department of Public Administration, Akwa Ibom State University
Account Number: 2241136915
Bank: United Bank for Africa (UBA)