Keywords / Challenges


Challenges and Prospects of the Legal Frameworks for Combatting Climate Change in Nigeria

Policy Climate Change Legal Framework Challenges Prospects

Vahyala A. Tari & Emmanuel C. Diah — volume 4, issue 1 — pp. 109-121
Women Empowerment Programmes Toward Sustainable Development in Nigeria Challenges and Policy Options

Women Empowerment Sustainable Development Challenges Nigeria Policy Options

Keneth Mela, Amanda Paul & Lydia Yakubu — volume 4, issue 1 — pp. 151-160
Media Convergence and Journalism Practice in Nigeria Issues and Challenges

Media Convergence Media Convergence Journalism Challenges

John O. Ufot, Daniel C. Akarika & Abigail P. Ukpe — volume 3, issue 2 — pp. 91-100
Analysis of SWOT and Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments for Quality Assurance at the Gambia College

Analysis Swot Challenges Monitoring Evaluation Quality Assurance Policy

Ebrima Fatajo & Banna Sawaneh — volume 2, issue 2 — pp. 31-41
Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments for Quality Assurance at the Gambia College

Assessment Monitoring Evaluation Quality Assurance Policy Challenges

Banna Sawaneh & Ebrima Fatajo — volume 2, issue 2 — pp. 101-116