The Politics of Global Environmental Policies

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Environmental issues such as global warming and climate change are at the epicenter of debate among scholars, environmentalists, world leaders, concerned individuals, governmental and non-governmental organizations on how to balance relations between humans and the various natural systems on which they depend, in such a way that all the components are accorded proper degrees of sustainability.

This Book of Readings by like-minded academics and experts in the field lend credence to this on-going debate especially on the need to protect and conserve our environment by engaging in environmentally friendly activities or packaging. The idea behind this masterpiece is not only to provide adequate and proper information on the burning issues but also to build and encourage dialogue and strengthen synergies among the diverse stakeholders in the preservation of our environment.

The editors are glad to be able to bring together the views and perspectives contained in each of the chapters. It is our utmost belief that the contributions in this Book of Readings which is eclectic in nature will provide students of various disciplines, researchers, environmentalists, governments, non-governmental organizations and the reading public with the insights that would be useful for understanding the issues, politics, nature, dimensions and dynamics of environmentalism.

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