Media Convergence and Journalism Practice in Nigeria Issues and Challenges

John O. Ufot, Daniel C. Akarika & Abigail P. Ukpe

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Media convergence has ushered in salient modifications to the functions and operation of journalists, and the journalism profession at large. Although media convergence is, to a large extent, beneficial to media organizations and their users, it challenges the operations of journalist and their functions. The history of media evolution has constantly shown that the introduction of new technology into the media landscape does not signal an end to the prevailing journalistic practices, rather it fosters the evolution and adaptation of the existing media while contributing to the development of the successor. The research utilized the qualitative research method and made use of the explorative approach, with secondary data, to ascertain the issues and challenges confronting journalism practice in Nigeria in the age of media convergence. Findings revealed time pressure, professional competencies, the question of quality, internal competition, the rise of user-created content, poor remuneration and the welfare of the Journalist as major convergence challenges facing journalism in Nigeria. The paper, therefore, concluded that technology has come to merge the different roles of the journalist and media institutions to create multimedia outlets for news gathering, processing and dissemination. Hence, the need for journalists to be versatile in their operations, adhere to the journalistic code of ethics and professional conduct and be properly motivated by their employers to drive optimal performance.


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